
God has such an amazing and tremendously great plan not only for you now, but for your future and destiny. You are His special daughter, His love for you is without end, you are always in His heart. It was by His design and purpose to instill great treasures within you. The Lord spoke to me and told me to help you discover the woman you are called to become. It is time to discover your royal identity by finding your calling, purpose, and destiny. The definition of who you are is about to be revealed!

It was nearing the winter, during falls end, the most beautiful time of the year when the first soft snowflake gently hits the ground, when the Lord Jesus appeared to me, to discuss His plans and purpose for the world, and how women play a major role in birthing both He and His Father’s strategies and plans in the earth today. It was late morning and I just woke up out of my sleep. Suddenly, and without warning, before seeing Jesus, His presence was already there. The molecules in the atmosphere began to shift and move, which is one of the things I’ve always noticed right before He appears to me in the physical realm. I had just gotten up and was walking toward the bathroom, when suddenly He appeared in person. He was not up close but coming from a distance. It was as if He was walking towards me through a portal. Visibly standing in front of me, was He who is invisible and translucent, and the one that transcends time. As I looked at Him, I saw the glory of God wrapping around the locks and curls of His hair. This glory was so golden and bright that I could barely see the sandy brown color of His hair until He moved closer to me. Then He spoke, His words were sweeter than honeycomb, soothing, peaceful, still and gentle, and captured and erupted my heart in such a peaceful way, all my doubts, fears, and stress were put to rest. Before this visitation, I experienced a long season of persecution, and bombardment from the enemy, so when He spoke, His soft, still voice created peace from the war that was surrounding my world. He said, “David, I want you to consider that My Father chose to not only work with men, but to work through a woman to save the world.”

Jesus said to me, “We always start with a man and designate him a dominion ruler. But then, My Father gives him a helpmeet, which is a woman, and she applies her gifts to help him with what We have called him to do. She applies her gifts of help just like Eve did for Adam.”  Jesus said, “If you notice… My Father went through a woman by putting Me in her womb as a part of helping to save the world.” “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…” (John 3:16). Jesus continued, “Whenever My Father and I want to save the world, We first initiate a process of going to a man…”  Immediately, I thought of how God sent the angel Gabriel to Zechariah to tell him that He was going to have a child, and that his name would be John. The Lord caused Elizabeth to become pregnant, even in her old age, so that John would be born and prepare the way of Christ. Knowing my thoughts, Jesus spoke to me, “After I sent My messenger to Zachariah, I then sent him to Mary, to tell her that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her, and she would become pregnant with Me. You see, My Father and I employed the help of a woman by putting Me in her womb to start and initiate the process of saving the world.”

Woman of purpose, I want you to understand how important your role is. God is going to women and employing them to work with Him in the earth for the salvation of mankind. After Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead, He implemented this strategy again. Jesus first chose twelve apostles, who were men, to execute the Kingdom of God in the earth. However, the Lord purposely chose a woman to play an important part of this process. Jesus chose to appear to Mary Magdalene after His resurrection as the first one to behold His victory and commissioned her to go and tell His apostles that He was alive. I want you to see this revelation. Jesus spoke again and said, “I have made a woman’s very existence the embodiment of being a helpmeet to assist with My Father’s and My plans and purposes in the earth.” “Yes, Lord,” I said, completely captivated by His words. His passion: Jesus’ voice was so still and calm, and then it deepened, and not only did I hear the Son, but I also heard the expression of my beloved Father:  “Satan is trying to deceive My Daughters…” He said. “He is trying to delude them from their purpose and deceive them into serving in the wrong way. He once lived with Me in Heaven before he fell, he knows My pattern, and he knows My design for a woman, and he only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.”  The Lord looked at me and said, “Who was the first person that Satan went to for help in the garden so that he could take over the world and take it from Adam?”

There are two divine celestial beings trying to employ women for their purposes. One of them is God, and the other is Satan. Satan needed the canal or womb of the woman to get the man, and God needed the canal or womb of the woman to get to mankind through His Son. Satan employed the woman in the beginning to help stop God and man. He deceived her and got her to influence the man, and they lost the world which caused the enemy to become its ruler. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not” (2 Corinthians 4:4). However, years later, God released His original strategy of woman as a helpmeet to win back the world. He went to the woman in the New Testament, and with her obedience and help, He turned the world upside down. God has a pattern of operation. First, He makes a man, then He builds a woman to be a helpmeet to that man and the man’s garden. A woman can be employed by the enemy to accomplish Satan’s goals in the earth, or she can operate in her purpose as a helpmeet, and a blessing to man to help accomplish God’s purposes in the earth. God chose women to help Him save the world. However, it is much deeper than this.When God stooped to the ground, He made you a woman, and because He made you, don’t you think there are things He wants to tell you that will prepare you for your purpose? Oh, how I wish the moments of His visitation could last forever! I looked upon His tender gaze. This is Jesus the one I love and met face to face. When you meet Him, you will see these same things. I could feel the yearning behind His conversation and His love and desire for His creation. There was great hope. He said to me, “David, you must go back to sharing My original plan, design, and will for My daughters. Share with them their purpose by design. Explain to them what My thoughts were when I made them. Share with them what I have shown you, tell them what happened in the Beginning.”  

 God told me that as I share the influence of these precious women from the Bible, you will catch the revelation, and their mantles are going to supernaturally fall upon you, even as you read this letter. I encourage you to prepare your heart before you read on, and get ready to receive, because if you are in the Spirit and capture what I am sharing with you in this letter, these mantles are going to hit your life and change your course.

Handmaiden of the Lord (Luke 1:37-38) – You may be a woman, like Mary that God wants to put His spiritual seed in, to birth something that changes the world. Women like Mary are His handmaidens who yield and submit themselves unquestionably to God’s will and Word! Through her, Jesus was born and saved the whole world!

Remembered Forever (Matthew 26:7,13) – Your worship and love for Jesus will be a memorial before Him and others forever. Out of her love and adoration for Jesus, she gave Him the most expensive gift (ministered to Him of her substance) that she could by pouring her alabaster box (worth over a whole year’s wages) on His head, and her story is still being told around the world as a memorial today, just like Jesus said!

(Luke 8:3)

The main financial supporters of Jesus ministry were women! God divinely called women to be helpmeets and financial supporters around the life and ministry of Jesus (He had a traveling ministry and a staff). They needed great financial support, food, clothing, and shelter as they went from city to city. Because it took great finances to accomplish the Lord’s work, these women helped fund the kingdom of God and the ministry of Jesus Christ that brought salvation to the whole world.

The Widow Woman (1 Kings 17:9) – God loves widows! Throughout the Bible He has always defended and used widows to accomplish major things in His Kingdom! Are you a widower that has lost your husband, but your called to supply what you have to the prophet to sustain him, like the widow woman with Elijah? And because of your giving to him, your wheelbarrow will never run dry! Jesus spoke of this woman, that out of all the women, the prophet was sent to her, a widow! “But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow” (Luke 4:26).

Entrepreneur, Blessed Many, Was Raised from the Dead (Acts 9:36)  – Dorcas was full of good works as an entrepreneur who made clothing, coats, and garments for the church, widows, and the poor with her hands to help people in need. People loved her so much that when she fell dead, they petitioned Peter to pray for her and when she was raised from the dead a great revival took place!

Had a dark past, but was the first to see Jesus after His resurrection – Now, when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils” (Mark 16:9).  You may be like Mary Magdalene, a woman with a jaded past, and looked down upon by people. However, you must be encouraged and know that your past failures do not remove your present or your future from God’s mind, or the plans of victory He has for your life. In fact, the first person that Jesus appeared to after His resurrection was Mary Magdalene. He gave her the message to deliver to His apostles that He was alive.

Companions of Christ (Luke 10:38-40) – Both Mary and Martha were personal friends to Jesus, they were His companions while He was on earth. They loved Him and tended to His needs and supported His ministry both with services and financially.

Forgiven and Loved (Luke 7:37-38) – This precious pressed through her past, the judgments of others, and the religious church and crowd of her time, to pour her love on Jesus. This is the kind of woman who pours her love out unashamed and publicly before others! The ointment she provided was very expensive and it was a great gift to God.

(Judges 4:4) – Deborah was able to judge Israel and to deliver the nation in battle. In her time, she was a powerful prophetess of God who was a leader and ruler, a queen in her own right. She had an anointing for deliverance.

Mother of a Prophet (1 Samuel 1:10-11) – Hannah was barren and had the humility to go to God and ask Him to giver her a child that she promised to dedicate and give the child back to Him. Hannah was a woman of honor, she fulfilled her vow, and gave her son (Samuel) to the Lord and who led Israel into a revival and helped establish David as king.

The Prophetess who Saw the Messiah (Luke 2:36-38) – Anna was a widow for 84 years after she was married for only 7 years. The anointing on Anna’s life, through fasting and prayer in the temple, caused God to preserve her and let her see something that was to come, and that was being waited on since the beginning of the foundation of the world. Anna saw Jesus and spoke of Him to everyone!

Wife of Abraham – Mother of Nations – Sarah was a woman of reverence, she called Abraham “Lord!” “… being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement” (1 Peter 3:5-6). Sara was a submissive wife to her husband and although they both made mistakes, she was close to Abraham. The Bible speaks well of Sara’s submission and obedience to Abraham

Daughter of Abraham & Destiny (Genesis 24:58) – Rebekah became the wife of Isaac, Abraham’s son. Their marriage was God ordained. Rebekah had a servant’s heart and gave water to Abraham’s camels which caused his servant to recognize God’s hand on her. She had a servant’s heart that promoted and caused her to come into her destiny in birthing the nation of Israel and serving God’s will.

Cast Off, Not Forgotten (Genesis 21:19) –  Although Hagar endured troublesome times and rejection from Sarah, she found safety and help in God. She found the supernatural provision of God when she cried out, He proved Himself faithful and showed her that He sees, hears, and provides all the needs in her life.

Rejected by Man but Loved by God – Leah went through and endured the pain of rejection and tt was in this sorrow and pain that she found God. He became her refuge and source of love. She discovered God’s blessings through the rejection of man, namely her husband. God focuses on the inner heart and beauty of a person, not on the outer appearance. “let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (1 Peter 3:4)

From Rags to Riches (Ruth 4:13) – Like Ruth, you may be a woman that comes from a very poor background and have nothing, but as you stay in God’s process, a man of influence is going to notice you because of your grace and beauty!. You may think there is no greatness in your life because of where you come from, but when you position yourself in the right place, God will take you paces you never dreamed!

The Woman who Saved Her Nation from Genocide (Esther 8:3-4, 7)

Esther’s wisdom also caused her whole nation to be saved. The Jews were being sought after to be destroyed, however, because she came into the kingdom and did the right thing, it gave her influence with the king and enemies of her nation were killed and Israel was spared.

“…and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

The Widow who became the Wife of the King (1 Samuel 25:39)

Abigail reorganized the purpose of God in her generation while her husband did not. Because she was of good understanding and honored God by honoring the one that He was with, with her substance and provisions, her life and her household was preserved. She found favor with David and not only did she minister to God’s servants and blessed them, ultimately, she received the greater blessing by becoming the King’s wife.

A Faith-filled Grandmother Who Left A Legacy of Faith for Generations (2 Timothy 1:5) – Lois was the first to walk in the faith and passed this heritage down to her family. Lois’ life be an encouragement to all grandmothers and mothers who are raising children alone. God will empower you to raise your children “in the way they should go,” and you can also leave a legacy of faith to your children. Receive the special mantel of Lois upon your life!

The Woman who Saved her House (Hebrews 11:31) – Rahab was the one who helped bring down the stronghold of Jericho by bringing in the spies, and as result God preserved her and her family’s life. Rahab was in Jesus’ lineage! Her rough past did not stop God from delivering her or allowing her to work with Him. “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)” (2 Corinthians 10:4)

The Woman Who Was Not Defined by Her Mistake (2 Samuel 12:24) – Bathsheba’s story has been told in the church, time and time again, but what has not always been emphasized, is how she pressed forward to find God’s redemption and purpose despite mistakes that were made. She did not allow offense to grip her heart, even towards one of God’s servants who made a mistake that affected her, but instead she kept a heart of loyalty, birthed Solomon the next king of Israel, and she maintained faithfulness to God and His Kingdom by standing with His chosen vessel David all the way to the end of his life.  “Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the earth, and did reverence to the king, and said, Let my lord king David live for ever” (1 Kings 1:31).

(Mark 16:9) – You may be like Mary Magdalene, a woman with a jaded past, and looked down upon by people. However, after Jesus’ resurrection, she was the person Jesus appeared to first. He gave her the message to deliver to His apostles that He was alive.  “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of women that God and Jesus speak well of and those they do not. I mentioned earlier that like God desires souls, the devil wants souls too. He is trying to trap women in his evil and false movements, like the #MeTooMovement, and others. These movements promise equality and identity, but lead to disappointment, death, and destruction because they are opposite of God’s order. The Bible is also very clear and specifically points out women that you do not want to be like in heart or action. It is important for you not to follow their footsteps. The women below are not the kind of wives you should strive to become, God and Jesus do not speak well of them:

(Genesis 3:6) – Eve negatively influenced her husband and he went against God’s command. Even though she had known God face to face, she turned from her relationship with Him and led her husband to betray God as well.

(Job 2:9-10) – You do not want to be like Job’s wife. When her husband was going through suffering and pain, she turned. She tried to influence Job to turn against God, while he was in a trial.

(Luke 17:31-33) – As Lot and his wife were leaving the city, even though Lot’s wife left physically her heart remained in her old life in the world, and she looked back instead of looking forward to where God was taking here. When she looked back, immediately, she was immediately turned into a pillar of salt.

(Revelation 2:20-21) – Jezebel is a woman that usurps authority over men, and over her head. She desired to kill prophets in the day of Elijah. A woman like this, hates rebukes and correction, and calls herself a “prophetess.” These are women with strong natures, they generally operate in the prophetic or the prophetic realm, but do not submit to the divine headship that the Lord has put over their lives.

It is vitally important to take the time to identify which woman you are. Some of you are not just one, you have mantles of more than one. As you study this letter to identify who you really are, you may find some areas and qualities that are negative and that you need to overcome. Be encouraged, identifying and confessing them, is the first step to changing and getting the victory. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and you are a woman of destiny and a woman of influence. God has given you a special mantle from one or more than one of these women. Which woman are you? Which mantles do you carry? Call 1-877-The-Glory (843-4567) to receive prayer concerning your mantle, destiny, and calling!

Your Opportunity to Help God Save the World & Be Remembered by Him for All Eternity

Throughout scripture we see women who changed the course of history through their obedience to support and give to God’s Kingdom. The woman who broke open her alabaster box and gave of her substance to bless Jesus and His ministry will always be remembered for her expressed love through her giving. The gift she gave was very sacrificial. Time and time again, women gave in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and their giving made the difference for the salvation of the world and success of God’s will being done on the earth. It took giving for God to save the world, and it still takes giving to save it today. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)

God is calling you to give of your substance to His Ministry in JMMI in order to help preserve this nation for our children and future generations by helping usher in and support this end time face to face move of God. God raised up powerful women to bless Jesus’ ministry during the time He walked on earth and He is raising up powerful women again today to be a part of His greatest end time harvest. You are called to be one of the Father’s chosen vessels. To be His friend and to walk and co-labor with Him face to face!

I am asking you to give to the Lord and His ministry here at JMMI your very best and to become a covenant partner today in your giving. God told me that He would use His precious daughters who love Him again to give finances for the salvation of this world. Today, we need 5,000 people to commit to giving $240 a month for the next 12 months to fund the miracle arena crusades. God may be calling you to do more than that. I am not limiting you to that amount, and I trust you will do your very best in answering the call of God to be of help in carrying out this heavenly mission! Your giving makes the difference in millions of souls getting into the Kingdom of God! Thank you for your support!

You can give by calling 1-877-The-Glory (843-4567). You can give by credit/debit card, or by check over the phone. Online at joshumediaministries.org/donate

Text the amount you want to give to +1 (636) 317-5688

Or you can send donations to:  JMMI  20320 Superior Rd.  Taylor, MI. 4818

The Women’s Movement Kick-Off @ The Miracle Arena Crusade July 30-31, 2021

At the Miracle Crusade in Orlando, Florida, we will launch the biggest Women’s Movement of all time! He knows that God has a destiny on your life as a woman of God! It is time for you to rise up today and be a part of this movement! No longer will we allow the devil to misguide and destroy God’s daughters! You must be in Orlando, Florida July 30-31,2021 at the Amway Center. God says it is time to also multiply by 10! Like the women at the well who brought a whole city to Jesus (John 4:29-30), God says He is going empower you to get 10 others to the arena crusade! God says it’s time to “be fruitful and multiply!”

Click to visit the Women of Destiny official blog! Enjoy a daily letter from The Fathers heart to encourage yours!

Call 1-877-THE-GLORY (843-4567) Registration is FREE! You can also visit kingdomofgodglobalchurch.org

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