Why God uses dreams to appear to you
“In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon awoke and behold it was a dream.” -I Kings 3:5; 15
Throughout history from Genesis to Revelation, the Lord has always been appearing unto men, even as He’s doing in this twenty-first century. There are many times and many different instances that are recorded biblically in history of the Lord’s appearances to different men and His servants. God has used dreams as a method and a way of making face-to-face contacts (through appearances) with different men throughout history. He has not changed! God is still using dreams today as a way and means of communicating with men, not just by His voice in a dream but by a deeper level of appearing face-to-face intimately.
The point here is to show you that the visitation appearances of the Lord in dreams are just as important as if He appeared in the broad daylight. Appearances of the Lord in dreams are just as important (if not more) as His appearance while you are awake, like the experience Paul had on the road to Damascus. The sad thing is that many Christians treat dreams lightly or consider them less important because it was “just a dream.” They don’t deem dreams as “real” because when they are awake they assume that the experiences they have (in the broad daylight) are more real than when they are asleep! But the Bible says that the things that are not seen are eternal. That which seems less important in this world (or realm) is always more important in the realm of God’s Kingdom! We see here that God gave Solomon real wisdom during his life through an appearance in a dream. Then if the wisdom that was given to him by God was real and manifested in the realm of not being asleep then the actual appearance of the Lord was also. It was just as real! Why do we only believe and take seriously “for real” what we can see with our natural eyes? This is a grievous error on our part in the church! Dreams and appearances from the Lord in dreams are just as real or more real and eternal as if He appeared openly in the day.
Dreams of Intimacy with the Lord
“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth …And the Lord stood above it.” Genesis 28:12; 13
The Appearances of Jesus in Dreams
Through this method, the Lord saved my life when He appeared to me in a dream on December 24,1989 when I was just seventeen years old. Since then He has appeared to me on a continual basis. In the year 2000, He promised me that He would make a special appearance on earth during the miracle crusade services that He’s commanded me to hold in different cities worldwide. We have proof of this on pictures of the vivid appearances of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Chicago, the Lord appeared to me in the middle of a service while preaching at Pastor Samantha Bynum’s church and said these words to me, “David, I’m about to walk the streets of Chicago and prepare this city for a move of God.” Then He continued, ”At the appointed time I will send you back.” Then He disappeared. When I came out of this open vision the audience was waiting for me to respond because I had paused gazing for a moment because His appearance was so sudden. It stopped me in the middle of preaching. After this I told the pastor and all the people what just happened and what Jesus said. Two days after I left Chicago, Pastor Samantha Bynum was on the street and ran into another Christian. Neither of them knew each other. The lady that she met in passing, told the pastor: “I was on the streets of Chicago taking pictures a couple of days ago and these are the pictures that came out.” She went on to say, “I feel led to show you these pictures.” She did not know about the prophecy in Pastor Bynum’s services just two days earlier. When Pastor Bynum saw the pictures, it was a confirmation to her and a joy of what was just prophesied over Chicago in her church. In the pictures you can actually see Jesus walking the streets of Chicago with one of His feet up off the ground. This happened in 2006 between summer and fall time. I found out about this when Pastor Samantha Bynum came all the way from Chicago to Port Huron in 2007 to show my wife and I these pictures where we were conducting a New Year’s service at Apostle’s William and Veter Nichols’ church. When my wife and I saw these pictures we knew it was a confirmation of what the Lord had said to me in the face-to-face appearance in the middle of the service in Chicago. In June of 2007 we saw this move of God begin along with a lot of mighty miracles that took place. It was tremendous!
Most of the time, when we have an appearance by the Lord in a dream, many think it is less important than if He had appeared like He did to Paul on the road to Damascus. In dreams, the Lord appears to you more in the spiritual realm but when you have an experience like Paul did, the difference is that He appears to you in the physical realm. Neither appearance is less important than the other. An appearance from the Lord is an appearance and there are no exceptions. You should never mistreat or take lightly His appearance whether in a dream or in broad daylight.
An example of this is Solomon and the Apostle Paul (I Kings 3:5-15 and Acts 26:14-18). The Lord appeared to both of these men, one by night in a dream during his sleep and the other in broad daylight while he was awake. In spite of these differences, Solomon’s dream in his sleep was no less effective than the Lord’s appearance to Paul while he was awake. We see in Solomon’s life after the Lord appeared to him in a dream that wisdom was imparted to him and he became the wisest man in the whole world from an appearance in a dream. This was so real that when he awoke it affected the natural realm by him becoming the wisest man on the earth. Most people think that dreams are mystical and are not applicable to this world. It is my job through this website to destroy the myth that dreams during our sleep are not as important as appearances that occur when we are awake!
When God Rebukes your Enemies in Dreams on Your Behalf
And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, ‘Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad’. Genesis 31:24
Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight. Genesis 31:42
In this story of Jacob and Laban, Laban mistreated Jacob by having him work by deceit and make him work seven years for the wife he really wanted, which was Rachel. Laban ceased not to deceive and walk in treacherous lies in his dealings and relationship with Jacob, God’s prophet, who had the covenant of the promise that God made with Abraham. One thing that we must realize is that when God has a special covenant relationship with His servants, prophets, friends or covenant people, He attends to their lives in a special way. He knows the wrong that is being done to them when people are mistreating them. We see this by the Lord’s statement to Jacob in a dream in Genesis 31:12, “For I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.”
The Lord not only appears in dreams Himself, but He also sends angels to do His bidding and to give messages to His people. We see these type of appearances throughout the Bible. God sends angels into different people’s dreams, like Joseph during the birth of Jesus. Sometimes the Lord chooses, (instead of coming Himself) to send His angels to give the message to us. Dreams have been used by God as an avenue for Him to release and dispatch angels to us. We have seen in scripture how the Lord sends angels to visit men while they are awake throughout the scriptures but when He sends angels to us through dreams to give us a message or instruction, it is no less important or real (Matthew 1:20, Matthew 2:12-13, Matthew 2:19).
When God Rebukes your Enemies in Dreams on Your Behalf
And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, ‘Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad’. Genesis 31:24
Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight. Genesis 31:42
In this story of Jacob and Laban, Laban mistreated Jacob by having him work by deceit and make him work seven years for the wife he really wanted, which was Rachel. Laban ceased not to deceive and walk in treacherous lies in his dealings and relationship with Jacob, God’s prophet, who had the covenant of the promise that God made with Abraham. One thing that we must realize is that when God has a special covenant relationship with His servants, prophets, friends or covenant people, He attends to their lives in a special way. He knows the wrong that is being done to them when people are mistreating them. We see this by the Lord’s statement to Jacob in a dream in Genesis 31:12, ”For I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.”