
“The LORD Looked … Though the Pillar … of the Cloud” – Exodus 14:24

“The LORD Looked … Though the Pillar … of the Cloud” – Exodus 14:24

Jesus appeared to David E. Taylor while he was in shut-away praying at the church in the year 2006, confirming the promise and covenant He made with him years ago, that He and His Father are coming down on Earth to work with him and make notable appearances before America and the world for the end-time move.

In the year 2007, a phenomenal appearance from the Lord happened in the nation of Ukraine, as prophesied by David E. Taylor! The picture and video spread throughout the entire nation of Ukraine! Now, the nation which has experienced so much persecution is experiencing a nation-wide move of God that is bringing multitudes into the Kingdom! The Lord is appearing not only in America but all over the world! He eyes are searching throughout the whole earth!

Captured Live on video in the Ukraine! Also on photo in Chicago! “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him….” -2 Chronicles 16:9

The Lord’s Eyes are Searching…

The Lord’s Eyes are Searching…
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