
Healed by Jesus Christ Through the life and Ministry of David E. Taylor

A Major Medical Breakthrough – A Cure for Cancer is here!

Since 2008, David E. Taylor has obediently held miracle crusades against cancer. During a visitation, the Father appeared to him and said, “Bring down the goliath of cancer!” For years, cancer has been killing millions, being the second highest leading cause of death in America, killing fifteen hundred people daily. Cancer has been the ruling principality and strongman of disease in America. God told David E. Taylor to use the principle of Christ’s warfare of binding the strongman (Luke 11:21-22), saying, “Attack cancer and when thousands begin to see cancer fall, faith will arise again, and other sicknesses will fall!”

During the Crusade Against Cancer, the principality of cancer fell by God’s power! The Lord spoke to David E. Taylor, saying, “Because you obeyed me to hold the crusades against cancer, I will work with you more by giving a breakthrough to society…a natural cure for cancer will be discovered in the near future (like taking a pill) and cancer will be cured…! You and millions will see this..!” This cure will not be from man; it will be from God! He will show it to someone and it will be created and put in a capsule form for people to be able to take it like taking a pill for a headache! A short time later, it was on the news that researchers and scientists have now found cures for all types of cancer and they are testing it out in capsules, or in a pill form!He will show it to someone and it will be created and put in a capsule form for people to be able to take it like taking a pill for a headache! A short time later, it was on the news that researchers and scientists have now found cures for all types

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:15


of cancer and they are testing it out in capsules, or in a pill form! Hallelujah! Cancer Statistics Report: Death Rate Down 23% in 21 Years! According to the American Cancer Society, since cancer’s peak in America, the death rate has dropped dramatically by 23% translating to more than 1.7 million deaths being averted! Praise the Lord! God is on Earth working with David E. Taylor to eradicate cancer out of America!

Advancing Against Cancer!

It’s Happening Now! For over 26 years David E. Taylor has preached the Gospel of the Kingdom all over the world. It all started in 1989 when he was just 17 years old. David was a gangster on the street, in shoot-outs, and living a riotous worldly life. During this time, Jesus appeared to him in a dream and talked to him face to face, revealing Himself as the Savior and Son of God. This experience was like Apostle Paul’s “Damascus Moment”, that the Bible mentions in the book of acts, when Jesus appeared to him.

The Lord continued to visit David E. Taylor throughout the years, teaching him the Gospel of the Kingdom (For the complete story, read the national best-selling book, “Face to Face Appearances from Jesus: The Ultimate Intimacy”)! Out of his face to face relationship with Jesus, the healing and miracle ministry was birthed, touching millions! During a Divine appearance and visitation from the LORD, he was given a strategy for America’s victory. The Lord told him, “With loving-kindness, I am drawing America, and I will heal her and deliver her from cancer.”

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:15

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;” -Luke 4:18

For the last seven years, David E. Taylor has obediently held national crusades against cancer. Multitudes have now been healed of cancer and brought into salvation! During this visitation, the LORD showed him that cancer has been the ruling principality and strongman of disease in America, working with fear and death to cripple faith. The LORD said to David E. Taylor, “attack the strongman of cancer through holding crusades!” Every victory on the earth is first won in the realm of the spirit!

David E. Taylor obeyed the LORD’s commission on his life to break the principality of cancer. Major leaders and elders have gathered every year to stand with him and pray the prayer of faith in unity. Now after seven years of crusading against cancer, the walls of cancer have come down! The Lord said to him, “Because you have been obedient to co-labor with me in fighting against the strongman of cancer, I will release a cure in the natural.” The Lord promised David E. Taylor that He would reveal the cure for cancer and put it in someone’s heart to create the medicine. This cure will not be from man; it will be from God! Major medical breakthroughs are now taking place!

Cancer Statistics Report: Death Rate Down 22% in 22 Years! – American Cancer Society

A New Cancer Therapy with Breakthrough Results! As reported on 60 Minutes! A bold experiment to kill a vicious cancer has won breakthrough status from the Food and Drug Administration. Early tests at Duke University have been so successful the FDA will fast track this treatment to hundreds of patients.

If You Had the Opportunity for Jesus to Touch and Bless You Personally, Would You Want that?

Last year the Crusade Against Cancer was the biggest and most monumental one yet! Jesus Christ promised David E. Taylor that He was going to make a notable visitation on one of the nights during the cancer crusade. On Aug 7th, 2015, the Lord Jesus stood on the platform and literally touched the people Himself! Amazingly, a lady who was skeptical about the Lord’s visitation, took a picture at that moment. Shockingly, in the picture, the Lord Jesus is seen in His glorified Body lifting up His Hands and blessing the people, in the exact spot that David E. Taylor said that He was standing! Phenomenal! Thousands were healed! The Lord promised once again to visit the Crusade Against Cancer again this year! Do not miss your opportunity to Experience Jesus!

It is now time to join the fight and stand up against cancer and disease! Who do you know that has cancer? A family member, friend, co-worker, or maybe even yourself? God Heals Today! Not only will the power of the Lord be present to heal, but you will also receive a supernatural impartation to take the healing gospel back to your city to heal the sick! Thousands will be tuning in from over a 192 nations around the world! Don’t miss this year’s National Crusade against cancer with David E. Taylor! God has a miracle just for you! Call the JMMI 24/7 Global Prayer Line at 1-877-The-Glory (843-4567) today to register FREE! Call today to receive FREE VIP Seating! Call today and receive a free prayer cloth and believe God for a miracle (Acts 19:11,12)!

David E. Taylor Holding the National Crusade Against Cancer Every Year Since 2009!


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