

David E. Taylor is first and foremost, a friend of Jesus Christ, which allows him to serve in all the five-fold ministry offices as an apostle. Besides his unique ability to help people experience the Lord’s intense presence through worship and to receive extraordinary miracles in their body and lives during services, the part of the ministry that the Lord has entrusted him with that he prizes the most highest is, the special face to face appearance relationship and friendship with Jesus personally. The glory manifested out of this friendship is what flows over into the peoples lives and brings them to meet with the Lord, face-to-face in person, just like it says about Moses life and ministry… “and he brought the people to meet with God”. Humility and the meekness of Jesus characterizes David’s lifestyle in person, while walking in an uncommon boldness and authority when serving the Lord.

Jesus told David that through His face-to-face covenant and friendship with him, that this would allow those who have never had a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream or while awake to start experiencing Him in this way, for the purpose of deepening their intimacy with Him and revealing His divine purpose and destiny for their lives. These encounters have been documented and reported by many pastors and leaders and seen in the express testimonials of God’s people for years whom the Lord has appeared to. Jesus told David that He would appear to those who came in contact with his ministry with divine face-to-face appearances from Himself not only once but on a consistent basis like He has done in David’s own life which has been happening now for the last fifteen plus years .

This has been one the greatest privileges in experiencing Apostle David E. Taylor’s ministry with Jesus. It has been confirmed by the testimonies of leaders in the Body of Christ (those who have 400 churches under their leadership), pastors, spiritual fathers and other five-fold ministry giftings along with multiple thousands of people (including youth and the unsaved) who have had face-to-face encounters with the Lord as a result. After experiencing seeing Jesus face to face their lives and ministries are dramatically changed. Men who have never seen Jesus along with leaders who already have experienced face-to-face visitations have noticed an increase in their personal visitations from the Lord Jesus in dreams and in the open broad day light.
The people who were experiencing these appearances in America ranged from his little children Joshua and Destiny (when they were seven and eight years of age) to the people in his multicultural staff, to the open appearance of the Lord in Washington State in the sight of three million people at one time over three whole regions in 2006. This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. This type or some similar manifestation happens where ever the Lord sends David. In whatever city or church David enters, he is accompanied by the special privilege of the Lord personally working with him.
His experience and description of his trip to Heaven that the Lord allowed him in the year 2000 has captured the hearts of many. In this trip he explains how Jesus walked him around Heaven and allowed him to talk to many people who once lived on earth who have now passed such as Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman and many more!

The Chronicles of Life


Ministry, Destiny and Assignment Revealed

Born – 1972

    David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee.  James H. Taylor and Katie M. Taylor were at the hospital about to give birth to their seventh child. He was born in a family of nine children.  Their first-born was a boy they named, Kenneth. He was followed by Sharon, then Antonio, Angela, Richard, Marilyn, then David, Zondra and Christopher. David E. Taylor was also brought up by his mother and father in a Christian home where they attended a charismatic Pentecostal church called ‘St. Joseph Temple’ under the leadership of Bishop and Pastor Cannon. This church believed in the Holy Spirit although David was too young to understand what was really going on. While at this church he received and confessed Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and was baptized in water as a little boy around 12 years of age.  Due to a church split from this church, his mother continued to take them to church and change their membership to attend ‘Mt. Zion Baptist Church’, where the late C.J. Patterson Jr. was pastor where he grew up in his teenage years. During this time David backslid into the world smoking dope, partying, in gangs and lived a worldly lifestyle until Jesus appeared to him in a dream showing him His face at the age of 17, while in his 12th grade year of high school. At this time he truly repented, was converted and received salvation by invitation from Jesus personally in this dream. This initial appearance from the Lord Jesus was the beginning of this face to face relationship, encounters and intimacy that would span over a 20 year period up until now, this very present day.

The First Appearance  from Jesus- 1989

Conversion and Salvation

It was December 1989, during the Christmas season.  I fell fast asleep one night, about five to seven days before Christmas Eve. Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. Standing in front of me was the man I’d heard about as a little boy my entire life.  I had heard about this man from my father and mother, and was taught that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day from the dead.  He still was not truly real to me, only a religious opinion.  He was just someone my parents told me about because of their religious beliefs.  Then, out of nowhere, there He was standing in front of me, face-to-face.  As He stood in front of me, His very presence exuded and emanated such gentleness; a pureness and kindness beyond this world.  It was ecstasy!  For the first time, I was standing in front of Jesus.  My whole being felt Him.  You can imagine the ecstasy I felt.  It was a feeling of intense glory!  It’s like wherever He stands… He fills the very atmosphere, air and molecules all around you.  Even the atoms inside your very body and being respond to Him. It was total ecstasy, indescribable, blistering with ecstatic eruption! My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. The very atoms in my body made me feel like I was about to explode! Currents of  electricity went through me!

He Was All Glorious And Powerful
Standing in front of me was an awesome man, handsome and perfect in stature. He was just a little taller than me about 6 feet or more, the perfect height of a normal man.   As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy-brownish and parted at the top, coming over the sides of His face, down His shoulders in waves. The natural words of my vocabulary fail to describe how awesome He was then and how He is presently today! Jesus stood before me with eyes full of love and His face full of light and power. His eyes are so striking that when He looks at you, they penetrate through your very being, character and nature. When He looks at you with those eyes, He knows everything about you and nothing is hid from Him. His eyes are like an x-ray or a translucent ray of light. They penetrate and arrest you at the same time. Standing in front of me was Jesus, the King of Kings, but He stood there unassuming, just as common as a normal man.  This was His humility and meekness I was seeing, but I didn’t understand it then.
It wasn’t until years later that I understood what I was seeing in His character which He mentions about Himself in Matthew 11:29 when He said:
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:”
His humility was so shocking to me. At this point, He was no longer a distant person, who sat at the right hand of the throne beside God. He was real! He was alive! He was a man with a personality and He was standing in front of me!
Wearing a beautiful flowing white robe stood the One I now love and I am telling you about.  There He was, the One I had heard about growing up. He was so powerful, but yet gentle; so merciful, yet full of judgment; so meek and lowly, yet so silently bold. I was captivated by His love. The atmosphere was filled with electricity, but with a peace and a serenity beyond articulation.  Who was I that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords would come and appear to me like this after I had lived such a riotous, worldly and sinful life?  Years later, I wondered, for what reason would He come like this?
My friend, who and what I am talking about is not just some religious myth, opinion or fairy-tale. He is more real than the very breath of air you’ve just taken, the clothes you feel on your body or this website you are looking at this very second! I am talking about the most genuine person you will ever want to meet and I saw Him for the very first time eighteen years ago. He was nothing like the church has described Him or has even portrayed in this day. Even now, men and women everywhere, and in the church at large, have failed to describe Him to His fullest.

He Was Suddenly Talking To Me

    In this dream, there stood Jesus as I have described. I was standing in front of Him as He was present with me, face-to-face, unaware that years later Exodus 33:11 would become the foundational scripture fueling the passion of my pursuit for His friendship and intimacy.

Exodus 33:11 says;
“And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.”
When Jesus looked at me, I knew what He wanted without Him using or moving His mouth. Then He was suddenly talking with me telling me to come to Him and give my life and follow Him.  This is all He said to me.  His words were not long but they were short. Later I found out why His mouth didn’t move. You see, in the Spirit, you don’t need the natural faculties of your body to communicate.  It is only, here, on earth that you need them.  The Bible says in Romans 8:16, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit.” So, when God talks to us, He speaks to our spirit and we hear Him clearly with our spirit, just as we hear with our natural ears. He then began to speak saying, David forsake your best friend, give your life to me and follow me.  At that time I had a best friend in the world who was not saved neither was he ready to really be saved or give his life and heart to the Lord at this time.  So Jesus was telling me to forsake that relationship and follow Him.  This is what happens with many young people and adults when they initially follow Christ.  They are not willing to separate themselves from the worldly influence. You can’t truly follow Jesus and follow the worldly relationships or friendships you once had.  You must be willing to even give up your best friend if Jesus requires you to!  I know someone is thinking or saying, but the Bible says, “That no man hath seen God at anytime” (John 1:18) and “no man can see God and live” (Exodus 33:20) just as God told Moses. That’s true, but when the Bible says these scriptures they are not referring to Jesus, but to the Father. During that time, before Jesus shed His blood to put us back into right standing with the Father, no man could see God and live because of sin.  Jesus can appear to us and we can look on His face (John 1:14).  Who did Paul see on the Road to Damascus when he was knocked off his horse? Jesus. Who did John the Beloved see on the Isle of Patmos face to face? It was Jesus. Jesus also appeared to 500 brethren at one time after His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). So, don’t tell me that this experience wasn’t real and that He doesn’t appear to men today. He is the same as He was yesterday, today and forever more. I know it was Jesus the Son of God, who was standing in front of me, face to face.

Forever Changed
After this first experience, little did I know that for the next eighteen years I was about to have incredible, yearly, consistent face-to-face encounters and visitations with Jesus, that would turn into an intimate friendship with Him personally.  These appearance that started as visitations and encounters from Jesus happened through dreams, visions, and in the bright open day while I was wide-awake.  This encounter, one night, in 1989 changed the course of my life forever!

Given the gift of prophecy to foresee the future through dreams and the office of the dreamer – 1991


Dreams are important in that they serve as a classroom (or school) by God to mentor us in life, ministry or business. They are used by God to give us answers or teach us things that we otherwise could not have learned from anyone else or through our normal study of the Word. God uses these dreams to serve as a teacher, mentor and a classroom seeing that they infuse revelation to our lives that are hidden in the scriptures of the Bible.

God Used Dreams to Mentor Me
In the Healing Ministry

Throughout the years I have been walking with the Lord, He has used dreams to teach me a number of times and answer hard questions for me. He has used these dreams to mentor and train me in the miracle healing ministry. I believe God used dreams to train me one-on-one Himself. God mentored me face-to-face because I did not have men who could mentor me at the beginning of my walk nor did I have a spiritual father concerning the special ministry I was given. I can identify with Paul Crouch when he says, “I had no Father but God.”
You must understand, I was in a Baptist church after my initial conversion from a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream. They did not have anyone there who could quite understand what the Lord was doing with me. Only after I became a son in the Church of God in Christ through Bishop G.E. Patterson’s ministry, did I begin to meet men who could mentor me to a degree and act as spiritual fathers in certain areas of my life. I also believe that some of my mentoring was hindered through my own pride. I was comfortable with God’s dealings with me personally through these visitations and dreams. I depended on Him to tell me everything but during that time I did not have enough spiritual fathers in my life that could really guide me in the type of ministry that the Lord had called me. But Jesus was there!

My Personal Experiences with “Dreams of Impartation”
In my own personal life with the healing ministry the Lord has given me, He has used the ministry of impartation through men to release gifting, honor and wisdom. We see this in the case with Moses when he imparted wisdom to Joshua in Deuteronomy 34:9. This was also done by the Lord with Moses and the seventy elders in Numbers 11:17 and Paul to the church at Rome (Romans 1:11).
“And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him…” Deuteronomy 34:9
I will take of the spirit which is up on thee, and will put it upon them; Numbers 11:17
“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;” Romans 1:11
Paul said, “I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end ye may be established.” We have come into the knowledge that God uses the doctrine of “the laying on of hands” through men to impart spiritual gifting to others, but we today in the church have forgotten and are not aware of how God used dreams to impart spiritual gifting to men. Earlier, we used Solomon’s experience as an example of this. God used dreams to shape the ministry on my life as well. Let me share with you how my whole life, ministry calling and destiny has been revealed by God to me in dreams. After leaving home to go to college at the age of 18, the Lord continued to communicate to me in dreams by appearing to me in them. I shared earlier with you how the Lord brought me to Him. A lot of people look at the miracles in America and also across the world and they have asked, “How did God begin using you the way He did?” And I tell them that through the Lord’s impartation to me in a dream, I received instruction and this ministry. It all started when I was in college through a series of “dream experiences.” My life took on a whole new direction and intensity. Instead of doing what I did previously as an unsaved young man, my hunger, desire and thirst for Jesus increased.
Day after day I gave up the normal life of a teenager just to spend time with the Lord. I stayed in my room for hours and hours without end and sought the Lord for more of Him. I was so overtaken with His love for me and His power upon me, that the more hours I spent with Him, the more I wanted to increase my time with Him. This went on for days, weeks, even months, until after a two year period had passed. All that time I was seeking to be intimate with the Lord and closer to Him. I asked Him questions such as, “I want to know You.” It was an intense level of seeking the Lord and inquiring of Him. Then finally something drastic transpired while I was in college. A young lady evangelist named Jackie Schaffer, who was a member of the church I attended in Charleston saw the intensity, my commitment, dedication and consecrated lifestyle of seeking God and spending vast time with Him. This was a powerful church called Victory Church of God in Christ where Robert Coaxman was the pastor and founder. His church was much different from the regular C.O.G.I.C churches you see today. This man walked in great power even in his older days when I met him. He was 93 years of age when I was first introduced to him and he had a spiritually thriving and anointed church. The people there were different. They were full of love, light and power. They would tell me how God used their pastor to raise the dead many times (during his ministry that was quite notable in that town and area).
Well, Evangelist Schaffer and her husband were long time members of this awesome church with her mother and other sisters who really took care of me as a young teenager away from home while in college! One day Evangelist Schaffer said to me, “David, you remind me of this man of God that I’ve been reading about lately named Benny Hinn.” At this time in my life I had never heard of Benny Hinn. She began to say, ”I’ve noticed the type of consecrated life you have, spending vast hours with the Lord, this man, when he was your age did the same.” She had been reading his book called, “Good Morning Holy Spirit.” She said to me, “You need to get this book I’ve been reading, I believe it will help encourage you!” And oh it did! Little did she know that it would not only encourage me but it would revolutionize my life from that moment on and introduce me to a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit that I never knew existed at that time! So I bought the book by Benny Hinn, “Good Morning Holy Spirit” in 1991. When I picked it up I could not put it down. Tears began streaming down my face from the first few pages.


A dream was given to me by God in my sleep after this three day fast on Sunday morning in 1991. In this dream God showed me that Russia and the United States were going to have a war against each other. In this dream, I saw war being plotted between Russia and the United States during this gathering around a conference table. Peace was talked about at the table but war was plotted during the 5-15 minute breaks! Then as the scenes in this dream switched, the setting changed. It was as if I was watching a television screen as I witnessed these two great world leaders shake hands and say, “We are friends now and at peace with each other.” While they were saying this, another world leader walked on the scene and said, “I have a lot of power now!” Immediately I saw Russia, along with some other nations who joined in alliance with her to attack America, plunge undetected into the water through submarines and come up on the coast of America. These submarines released nuclear missiles against the U.S. I saw a U.S. Army truck exploding as the nuclear bombs hit our nation. I knew from this dream that the Lord was warning me about a war that was coming to America from Russia. There was also a prophecy given to me in this dream through a messenger that plainly said to me, “The United States and Russia are going to have a war against each other” and it was told to me who would win.
When I awoke, I knew that this was serious and that I had to tell someone! I felt like I had to tell the whole world. Well, as I mentioned, I had this dream waking up on a Sunday morning. To confirm the seriousness of this dream and that God had answered my prayer of giving me what Kathryn Kuhlman had, we had a glorious service that morning at Victory C.O.G.I.C. That evening we were scheduled to be with another church for a 7:00 p.m. service that was three hours away. They asked me if I would drive some of the mothers to this service in the church bus. In these days I enjoyed serving and doing whatever I could do to bless God’s work and house. You serve and one day you will lead!
So after we got there we found out that the guest speaker didn’t show up for the service. Without any notice they asked me to preach! The only thing that was on my heart was what I had just seen in a dream about America! So I preached the message God gave me from this dream! After the service, Evangelist Schaffer came to me and said: “I saw this whole service in a dream last night.” She then began telling me the dream. She said that I was asked to minister and preach at the church and she saw me pacing the pulpit (like I normally do) preaching something very important that needed to be heard. She said to me, “But the strange thing in the dream is that as you paced the floor, walking back and forth, there was a cloud of glory and a mist surrounding you and your face was shining through the cloud!”
Faith began to arise in me and I felt the anointing as she told me this dream that she had seen about me just that morning. It was God using her to confirm His promise to me that He had given me what I asked for on the fast (the cloud of glory around me and inside me). She had no idea that I was seeking God for this and had just come off a three-day fast for it. I didn’t tell anyone about this fast. I did it in secret! “When you preached today, everything in the dream happened today just as I saw it.” Then she said, “And I also saw that cloud of glory around you and your face was shining like a light bulb.”
God will use other people in your life giving them dreams to confirm His destiny, purpose and will for your life. He will put these people around you and speak to them in dreams so that He can relay a message to you! This same thing happened with Gideon when the Lord gave someone in the camp of the Midianites a dream of Gideon’s victory against them in a war. God set it up to allow Gideon to overhear them tell the dream. This confirmed and encouraged Gideon to know that what God had promised and told Him, He would perform and do!
The Lord will do the same to us today. He will place friends or others around us and allow us to hear dreams and visions that He has given them about us. And no they don’t always have to be your enemy like the Midianites were to Gideon. But He will place them around you to relay and confirm what He is saying to you. I didn’t know how important and how much a part of my destiny and purpose in ministry this dream was for my life until these recent years! While God was giving me what Kathryn Kuhlman had for the Miracle Healing Ministry, He was also revealing a message that was very important in His purpose for my life to America.
This is one major reason why I have written a book, because God has shown me things concerning America’s future through dreams so that Americans can be preserved from the devastation of war! God gave me this warning for America, not to pronounce doom on her but to give wisdom and instruction of what to do so that she will be preserved as a Nation.
America must turn around so disaster does not come to our country like Joseph’s ministry did for Egypt.
Dreams of warnings and admonition are not to frighten, scare or speak doom against this country but to save her and deliver her from the coming danger. This is why dreams are so important. God uses dreams to preserve nations. What you saw in a dream from God may not look like much but it may mean a lot. Never take the dreams that God gives lightly!
This is just one example of how I started having dreams of destiny and impartation concerning the present ministry the Lord has called me to in the miracle ministry!

I would like to take this time to honor this special man of God named Benny Hinn. Many in America have been greatly blessed by his ministry, including myself. Some in America, even the church has dishonored him and has not realized the magnitude of blessing nor recognized that he is a great man of God! How sad! However, I have received from God through his life, what God has sent him to America for! I have been greatly blessed. I thank God for Benny Hinn and his ministry. He introduced me to the Holy Spirit in an unusual way through his life and the life of Kathryn Kuhlman and her past ministry through his book entitled, “Good Morning Holy Spirit.” To God be the glory and thank God for men like him of integrity who have stayed the course in the healing ministry through insurmountable odds and great persecutions against him everywhere!
Then the revolutionary moment came when I had only read up until the part where Pastor Benny describes Kathryn Kuhlman’s service when it was coming to a conclusion. I had always been fascinated with Moses and the cloud of Glory that God allowed to follow his ministry. The story about his face shining like a light bulb after coming off the mountain as a result of spending time with God had a special place in my study and heart. Until reading this book by Pastor Benny this type of manifestation experience was something talked about as a relic of the past during the time of Moses. However, because I had seen the Lord two years earlier in a dream, I knew that everything written in the Bible was real for today. I had never heard of anyone in this dispensation that walked in what Moses walked in with God. It was something that I had read in the Bible yet these things were aloof to me seeing that I was raised in a Baptist church! So, as I read the closing or conclusion of Kathryn Kuhlman’s service, as explained by Pastor Benny, he described her service and how he was being blessed in her meeting. Everything in me began to cry out: “I want this! This was what I’ve been looking for!”
He describes that at the end of her service he saw a cloud of glory enveloping and surrounding her and while at the same time her face was shining like a light bulb through that cloudy mist. He says and describes in his book that he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him but they weren’t. He saw the woman evangelist, Kathryn Kuhlman standing there with a glory cloud surrounding her and her face shining through the mist. Everything in my whole being screamed out “I’ve got to have that!” At that time I didn’t know what to quite call it. I just knew I wanted God like that inside and on my life! I said to myself, “I’ve got to have the Lord surrounding me and inside me in that dimension and in that way.” So right at that moment I put the book down and cried out to the Lord saying, “I want this!”
Now while I was in college at Johnson and Wales University studying to become a chef, we stayed in rooms that were more like apartments than regular college dorm rooms. So even though we had to live in the same apartment dorms with other college students there was extra space in the house. The rooms had large closets as a result of this. I went inside the one in my room to fast and pray for three days and ask the Lord to give me what Kathryn Kuhlman was walking in. One of my college roommates thought I was weird locking myself up in the closet for three days and not coming out. During this period I prayed and asked the Lord to give me whatever it was that Kathryn Kuhlman had. I prayed, I sang and worshipped the Lord until I heard the voice of the Lord say to me on the second day of the fast: “Praise Me for it! I have already given it to you, just praise Me for it during the rest of your fast.” After I heard this voice I obeyed.
I didn’t have classes Thursday through Saturday so I used that time to praise Him. After the three days ended I came out of the closet and went to sleep in a bed for the first time since the beginning of the three day fast. When I came out, I didn’t feel different than before. I didn’t feel any overwhelming power or cloud all around me. I just believed what the Lord said to me. Today, I believe that this fast played a major part in my message and ministry to America.

Taken to Heaven and Foretold of a Special Ministry – 1992

In this dream that was given to me in 1992 I had planned to marry this nice, Christian woman. But before I did I asked the Lord if this was His will for my life to marry her. That night when I fell asleep I was sucked out of my body and taken to heaven at the speed of thought. Immediately, I was there! While in Heaven, I was only allowed to go inside one particular room. There I saw many large books that contained writings of everyone’s life. I knew that they were books written by God of His plans and His purposes for everyone’s life who had ever been born or who would be born. The books were white and gold in appearance. The next interesting thing during this visitation in heaven was my curiosity of everyone else’s books. I ran over to take a look at others’ personal books, but an angel beckoned me to come away from their books and look only at my own. I recall the angel standing nearly eight feet tall, wearing a white robe. In the center of this round room were shelves filled with the white and gold books. It looked like a massive library. In the center of the room stood the angel next to a podium with my personal white and gold book. This is where the angel beckoned me to come. When I walked up to the podium the book that the Lord had written about my whole life was already opened. At the top of this book on the left side it said: “GOD’S PLAN” and under it was written everything I was ordained to do by God at the age of nineteen.

“While in Heaven, I was Allowed to see the Books, Written by God, His Plans and Purposes for Everyone’s Who Was Ever Born…”

The unusual thing about these books was that they were not written like earthly natural books. This book only had writing on the left side with the heading “GOD’S PLAN.” The opposite side was blank with no writing at all. I understood that God left it blank for us to live the life we chose. The decisions we made would be written down on the right side of the book. The life we choose to live versus the one God has ordained for us to live, before the foundation of the world, is recorded in a book.
All of a sudden, on the right side of my book appeared in bold letters: “DAVID’S BIGGEST DIVORCEMENT.” The angel then came up to me and answered the request I had prayed for that night. The angel said: “The Lord says if you marry her your life will be a disaster and you’ll mess up the special ministry in your life.” After this I awoke out of the dream. I did not even know I had a special ministry, or that I was called to a special ministry in this life. I was only nineteen years old and I had just gotten saved two years prior. What most people do not understand is that God has all of our lives written down in books from the beginning to the end of what His plans and purposes are for our lives. God used that dream by His grace, to communicate to me my future.
To confirm this it says in Hebrews 10:7: “Then said I lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God.” Jesus is our example. This context of scripture reveals that it was written of Him in a book to do the will of God. It is the same with us and I have seen it. In Psalms, David mentioned that God had written his life down in a book.
“Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.” Psalm 69:28
“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in the book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned; when as yet there was none of them.” Psalms 139:16

We see here again in these passages of scripture (the Holy Spirit speaking through David) that the Lord has recorded our lives in books. This dream was pivotal to the success of my life and destiny. I was about to marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for my life. God used this dream to preserve my destiny! How many people do you know that have married the wrong person, and their whole life ended in shambles? If they would have just had a dream of warning, it would have preserved them from a lifetime of heartache and pain.

Foretold of the Special Miracle Ministry in dream – 1992

    The next dream of impartation I had in 1992, revealed to me that I had been called to the type of ministry on the likes of Kathryn Kuhlman and Benny Hinn. After finishing college and graduating, the Lord challenged me saying, “If you want to fulfill your destiny and if you want what My servants walked in during biblical times, you must forsake all and follow Me giving up everything!” So I did, and the Lord started revealing more to me in dreams as I began to fast. I left as the Lord had commanded me at the age of 19 years old from my parent’s home to start this process that the Lord told me. He showed me in a series of dreams that I was to walk by faith as Abraham did and not stop fasting. When I began to do this He spoke to me in two other dreams to confirm to me that I had been called to do the same type of ministry that He had called Kathryn Kuhlman to do plus more.
In this dream, I was in a mass coliseum miracle service with Kathryn Kuhlman. I don’t know where this service was being held…I just knew that I was there way up in the balcony. There were masses of people sitting in the seats. Then Kathryn Kuhlman said: “All of you that want the power of God and Glory of God on your life come down here to the front and get it.” And to my amazement there was a line of people who came down and stood in front of her and she ministered to them. They were being slain under the power of God and were getting drunk in the Holy Ghost but something different happened in this dream. When she called for those who wanted to be used and have the power of God on their lives I came down from the balcony like the others to the front of the coliseum.
The strange thing in this dream, was that along with me another line of people formed behind Kathryn Kuhlman in a single-file line. I remember that there were seven or eight people in this line ahead of me seeing Ms. Kuhlman’s back. In this dream I knew that we were in line like the others in front of her to get ministered to, but we were in line to do the same thing that she was doing. We were waiting in line until our turn! Then before this dream ended, I saw a huge hand with fingers writing on a blank space or wall. I knew this was the hand of God! His index finger was pointed out straight while His other fingers were curled together and a golden liquid that looked like anointing oil poured out of this finger like a pen. And He wrote with this finger, in this golden ink in script writing (cursive) that said: “This Is Your Day!” And then I awoke out of the dream. I knew that the Lord was saying to me that this is my day to do what Kathryn Kuhlman did. How exciting this was to me!
Another dream was shown to me by God around the same time and season of this dream. I went to sleep on the couch of a pastor friend’s home, who allowed me to stay with Him and I had another dream to confirm this! In this dream again I was immediately in a service that Kathryn Kuhlman was holding. It was a mass coliseum arena type service. I was up in the balcony looking down watching the service and suddenly I saw a man moving back and forth in a wheelchair with many deformities, strapped by three metal belts. In this dream I heard a current of electricity shoot throughout the whole building, as if it were skipping on a wire. Then all of a sudden I saw the belts on the man in the wheelchair snap and pop off him like a rubber band. He began to untwist and was totally healed as he arose from his wheelchair! I felt the power and surge of this anointing in that service going through my whole being! As this happened I felt someone pushing on me to wake me up. It was the pastor I was staying with. He came right at this time and woke me out of this dream saying, “Come and watch Benny Hinn.” Again he insisted, “Benny Hinn is on.”
I responded by getting up but was thinking, I was just in an awesome service in a dream experiencing the power of God! Why are you waking me up!? But little did I know that it was the Lord moving him to do this! Nevertheless, I went from the couch in the living room and went and sat on the edge of his bed. It was about 11:30 p.m. at night. When I entered the room and started watching Pastor Benny, he was right in the middle of talking to Joan Geason who used to work with Kathryn Kuhlman. He instructed her to come on stage and tell the audience about a Kathryn Kuhlman service. He wanted her to explain when she saw electricity manifest in the service and what happened to the man who was healed. He had gotten out of his wheelchair after this electricity surged throughout the building, with no straps holding him down! When I heard this, everything inside me said I just saw this in a dream a few seconds ago!!! It was a divine moment that God was trying to get through to me to confirm and reveal His Destiny to me and how He wanted to use me. No man can make something like this happen! And also since then I have found and met people in 2006 who had heard this testimony and have the pictures of the Kathryn Kuhlman service where the electrical currents from heaven are shown around her.  I am giving these examples from my own personal life to show you how God used dreams to impart information, gifting and confirmations of the destiny, call and will for our lives! My life and ministry are personal testaments of this! What I have shared with you is the start of how all this began so when the masses see the miracles that are happening by the Lord through my life and ministry they will understand from where they came.

Foretold in dream that he would have a Special Teaching Ministry – 1992

In this dream it was said to me by a messenger that the Lord had given me a special teaching ministry and then I awoke!

A Man Who Stands on the Authority of God’s Word – 1992

He’s Looking For Men Who Will Qualify In Standing On The Authority Of His Word

    After I left home in 1992, to obey the Lord’s command for me to get out of my father and mothers house and to leave the state and city of my home.  When I arrived in Charleston, SC, during the summer time He met me again in my sleep to explain to me what was on His heart and what He was looking for.  At this point I entered into servanthood level with Jesus because I noticed that His appearances to me changed from Him teaching and instructing me to Him commissioning and commanding me with mandates and divine assignments.  From 1989 until this point which would’ve equaled to about two and a half years, He took me through the discipleship stage, but now my life and walk with Him was taking on a drastic turn into Him commissioning me to be His servant.  During a deep sleep Jesus came to me to answer also some questions I had concerning the latter rain.  Suddenly I was with Him in the air above a church.  Jesus again had on the most beautiful white robe there was.  Every time His robe looks more glorious to me.  As I stood beside Jesus high in the atmosphere above the church I saw what appeared as this huge big gigantic golden vessel in His hands that had beautiful golden latter rain anointing oil in it.  I knew He wanted to pour this out on His church fully but could not.
He said, “David I brought you to answer you concerning some things that you have been asking concerning why you don’t see My power in the church.”  Then He began pointing out to me things going on in His church that He wasn’t pleased with.  The first thing He showed me was the young people and adults alike in the pews dating and committing sexual sin and fornication.  There was so much flesh in operation in His house.  Secondly, He pointed out to me the choir stand or praise and worshippers.  They had started singing Christian rap and brought that is His house.  He was so displeased by this because I saw the expression on His face… when He pointed it out to me.
He Counted Me Faithful
Putting Me Into The Ministry

Then He gave me instruction to correct and rebuke this in His house.  As I would do this, He then did something next that was unusual.  He looked at me and said, “Be faithful” while at the same time dipping one of His fingers in all that latter rain glory oil.  Then He stretched out His finger over the church and allowed one drop to hit the whole church.  When this drop fell from His finger it spray or sprinkled into drops of rain onto the people… when this hit the audience on to the people, the whole crowd erupted in spontaneous praises.  It was a high praise and very beautiful to watch.  The drop died out.   Jesus still stood there with me wanting to pour out the fullness of the latter rain on His church but couldn’t because it was short circuited by sin, the flesh and worldliness.
Jesus then pointed out another problem He was displeased with.  He then showed me the pastor sitting in His pulpit seeing all these wrong things going on in the audience and choir stand but he wouldn’t speak out against it.  Jesus was very displeased with this and this Shepherd who allowed all these things to take place in His house.  I saw the pastor of the church preaching lying flat on his back.  He then showed me how a lot of His leaders and pastors where preaching His word but doing it lying down instead of standing up!   He then instructed me in this visitation to intercede for His pastors and leaders.  Oh how I do because I love God’s Shepherds.  They go through a lot.  Then at this He put me back in my body, but I was still in deep sleep when I heard a voice that said these words that shook me, “I need a man who will stand on the authority of My word!”

He Commissioned Me

His Very First Assignment To Me

    It was the voice of Jesus.  My whole being was shaking, trembling because He didn’t say, “David I need you to stand on the authority of my word”!  Instead He left the choice up to me and The Almighty Son of God was looking for a man to do this.  “I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none”(Eze 22:30).  I decided it would be me knowing He wouldn’t have brought this to my attention if He didn’t want me to respond.  I was completely shaken in my whole being from His words.  They went through me like liquid fire.  From there I received my commission from the Lord.  To be a man who would stand on the authority of His word.  Then suddenly I awoke.  I was still shaking.  It was very early in the morning around 4:00 a.m.
I felt electricity going through my whole being, my being was trembling with currents going through me from my head first down to my feet with liquid fire.  My whole heart cried out when He shared this desire and need on earth among His preachers for a man who would stand on the Authority of His word!  I said, “Lord I’ll be faithful in doing it.”  At this point the Lord revealed to me that this was going to be the prerequisites of the latter rain glory that He wants to pour out on His church.

Revealed in a Dream That He had Been Given the Double Portion Anointing that elijah and elisha had- 1993

God will give you dreams concerning different scriptures and different biblical stories that are mentioned in the Bible, even when you haven’t read it yet. The characters in the story may be yourself or other people you know (in the place of the people in the biblical story) to reveal to you a message from God. I remember one such dream that I had concerning God giving me the double portion of His Spirit and anointing. In this dream I was with a friend of mine and we were cutting down trees with axes. His axe had fallen into water. Mind you I had never read the story at that time of Elisha and the axe head. In this dream, when my friend’s axe fell into the water, I threw a stick into the water and the axe head floated to the top. There were other supernatural acts that God was using me to do in this dream but when I awoke I didn’t understand.
One thing to note is that God will give you dreams of biblical stories. He will place the people in your present time, past, or maybe even you in the story where you either act like the biblical character or have what they have. I didn’t understand this dream until months later when my brother-in-law came to South Carolina to visit me from Memphis, Tennessee. Before he left Memphis, my mother had seen a teaching by Benny Hinn called the “Double Portion Anointing” and felt led to send those video tapes with him to give to me. Now my mother had no idea of the dream I had months earlier. She was just moved by the Holy Spirit. That’s how God will help you to interpret your dreams as well. He will set circumstances in motion and people to move by the Spirit or do certain things that give you clues or answers by their actions to help reveal the dreams given. So when my brother brought the video tapes I watched them, and in the first two tapes Pastor Benny was talking about how to receive the double portion anointing. On the third tape of this series, he began to talk about the manifestations of power,and miracles that one receives after they have received a double portion of His Spirit and power. As I watched the third tape, Pastor Benny started teaching about how when this double portion impartation comes upon you that you receive the power like Elisha did, causing the missing axe head of someone who has lost God’s power to retain it again. He started reading from the passage of scripture in II Kings 6:1-7 concerning Elisha and the prophets when they were cutting down trees. This was my first time ever reading that story in the Bible. I thought, “I’ve seen this in a dream already and I was doing what Elisha was doing.”
I was very young at the time, only nineteen years old and didn’t quite understand the dealings of the Lord and the way He was speaking to me. God was basically trying to show me that I was walking in a double portion level of His Spirit and power. During this same time I saw many miracles starting to manifest in my life and ministry that I didn’t have before. So from this experience, I began to recognize that my dreams from God, during sleep, were in the Word of God. This also revealed to me the explanation of why God was using me in the miraculous realm, unlike what was happening before.
You see here, what I’m trying to convey to you is that the Word of God is the foundation of any dream that God speaks to you about.

Was Told By Visitation in a Dream That He Had Already Been Given by This Time at the Age of 21 the Power that Peter and Paul in the Bible Had – 1993

In this dream during my sleep it was said to me by a messenger (This was a time in my life when I was 19 or 20 years old and I was asking God for more power because I didn’t see enough of it manifesting in my life to be a greater blessing to people), “The Lord has already given you the power that Peter and Paul walked in”. Then I awoke out of the dream.

Told through an Angelic Appearance and given strategic information about the greatest move of God starting in St. Louis – 1995

American Revival
In 1995, at the age of 22, David E. Taylor was requested to come to St. Louis from
his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to run a revival at a local church. With a full agenda of appearances scheduled, he anticipated the usual one-to-two week revival. A week into the services, an angel descended from heaven and appeared unto him in a dream. The angel’s feet did not touch the ground. The angel started by telling him how wonderful it was in God’s presence, then began to share with him, “the message is this, St. Louis shall be the starting place of God’s Latter Rain Glory and from here it shall spread all over the world.”
After him sharing this, a revival broke out at this church and God began to call people from all corners of St. Louis as well as others states to this inner-city church. The move of God was so great that what started off as a two-week revival lasted for a full year but this was not the latter rain end-time revival that would hit the world that the angel was referring to in the dream. Instead God used this as a sign to David E. Taylor to relocate to St. Louis where this great revival would begin in the future.
In 1997 The Lord began to confirm this prophetic word through a dream by Kenneth E. Hagin in his summer camp meeting when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him for one and half hours to prophesy the end-time move and where it would begin. He mentioned that St. Louis was the place where the last greatest move of God would take place. Kenneth Copeland in a prophecy also confirmed this along with David Yongi Cho in 1980. Marie Woodworth-Etter prophesied the same thing in 1906 during the World’s Fair in St. Louis where she stood frozen in a trance for three days. This account can be found in her book entitled “Diary of Signs and Wonders.” The anticipation began to mount concerning what God had in store for the world starting in St. Louis.
In 1999 David E. Taylor was also visited in a dream by an angel. This angel of the Lord said to him that this latter rain outpouring that would start in St. Louis (the center of America), would last for seven full years and after then would spread around the world. He was told by the angel that the world would come to St. Louis for seven full years for this mighty outpouring and after then the move of God would have then spread around the world! Recent information through a dream was brought to David E. Taylor’s attention that this revival would actually take place between the years of 2008 and 2012. Some time between this period the American Revival will take place and the secular world along with the news media will acknowledge this and have coverage. Something greater than the world has ever known is coming – the electrics of God are coming, the thunders of God are coming, the promise of power is coming! The greatest move of God that the earth has ever seen is about to invade the earth – this is the time and this is the hour! The glory of God is about to settle over the whole city and St. Louis will be the kick off of the greatest move of God that the world has ever known!

The calling and assignment to shake America told in dream- 1996

    In this dream the Lord’s assignment and destiny was given to me .  In this dream a messenger walked up  to me and said, “ The Lord is going to use you to shake America”. Then I was a little saddened by his statement because I had seen dreams from the Lord that all nations and kindreds from around the world would be blessed by the ministry the Lord would give me. He then turned and walked away and being saddened by this fact as he walked away I replied, “But what about the nations?” then he replied in response saying, “Yes the Lord will also use you to shake the nations of the world some but your main call and assignment is to America”! After this I was awakened out of the dream.

Given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven by Jesus in a face to face appearance in dream- 1997

Keys Given In A Face To Face
Appearance From Jesus

Jesus Approved Me Faithful To Entrust
Me With The Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven

As my relationship with the Lord continued to grow I noticed that there was a level of trust being built between the Lord and I.  The only thing is I didn’t know how much He trusted me until this appearance in the summer of 1997.  The reason why I felt this way is  because up until at this time I had already made so many mistakes. Like most christians I did not understand the love of God nor His kindness beyond my weaknesses and failures.  Most people  believe that in order to have a close relationship on this face to face level  that He requires absolute perfection from us but that is not the case at all.  As a matter of fact it is the opposite. He is mercy.
The Lord does require us to live a holy and righteous life but our relationship with Him is not based totally (I must say this with balance) on how righteous we are or can be but because He is righteous.  The year of 1997 was a series of visitations from the Lord to me after a long time of fasting and asking Him to judge me and inspect me.  After I saw the Lord, starting from the summer of 1996 doing alot of extra fasting and praying in the church for a season He was found of me again the bible says “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near,”  this all implies and means a call to prayer He also said in another place “I will be found of you when you shall seek for me with all of your heart”.
This appearance from Jesus was given to me during the time of the other appearances of inspection in 1997 concerning the things I needed to change.  Thats the thing about Jesus when He is inspecting His Church, Bride or one of His Friends,  like He did to the seven Churches in the book of Revelations, His pattern is to encourage and tell you all the goods things first, then the things He has against us which we may be wrong about.  In the summer of 1997 I went to sleep and immediately I was there with Jesus. I dont know how He does that.
I mean… I can fall asleep and immediately at times I‘m taken to be right where He is?  I don’t have all the answers but all I do know is that when I fall fast asleep He appears to me in dreams or He comes and gets me (in the body or out of the body) and carries or summons me to where He is.  All I know is at that the point that I am summoned I am where He is immediately!  When I have been summoned I  have been taken to various places and different setting throughout the years.  In this setting I was immediatiely summoned to where Jeusus was.  He had on the beautiful white robe that He normally wears.
He stood a little taller than me  about 6 feet the perfect stature of a man.  He had sandy brown hair parted neatly at the top of HIs head draping down His head in waves that came to His shoulders.  This setting started with me standing at His right hand as He stood beside me.  He then began to walk.  So when I saw Him walk, I walked with Him.
I need to say this, I felt so thrilled to be walking next to Jesus again. Its like we went walking together as friends. I also  felt overwhelmed just being able to  walk along with Him side by side.  It was an intimate moment to me with Him and one of the most special times of my whole life in this face to face relationship that I ever had. Nothing was said at this point.  He was very quiet.  He took a few paces in front of me maybe 7 to 10 steps and then He stopped.  And when I saw Him stop walking, then I stopped.

Promised to be backed up personally by Jesus- 1997

    As I looked into His eyes I could see the level of trust I had not seen toward me before. His eyes were filled with so much love as when He always appearred to me but this time it was more of a love mixed with an increased trust. Then He said to me, calling my name with the most loving and gentliest tone in His voice saying, “David I’m giving you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”, then He went on to say “Whatsoever you bind on Earth I Jesus will back you up and whatsoever you loose I the Lord Jesus will back you up”.  At this point I did not know what to say, so I actually said nothing. I just listened to the soft still words at that time.  As He said those words I knew that He was talking about the same set of keys of the Kingdom that He gave Peter as a result of the Father revealing to him who Jesus was.  I believe real authority from Christ is released in our lives when we get a revelation of who Jesus is.  This revelation of the Son of God causes us to be able to be trusted by Him in a special way with His authority.  By this time I had walked with the Lord for seven full years intensely through hundreds of hours of prayer and fastings in my communion with Him I felt so humbled that the KIng of the Universe would come to me and entrust me with the keys to His whole Kingdom.   I felt so inaquate and wondered what this salutation or message really meant, it has taken me years to understand the total ramificaitons of what He gave me and the power with also the authority these keys possess.  But immediately following this visitation, I began to see whole regions change, revivial break out in whole citites and a vast amount of authority to command and decree God’s governmental will and desire over regions to those in authority and see them yield to Gods purposes.  I didn’t totally understand until reading the scripture why Jesus would give me these keys to His kingdom or what they were for.  I didn’t know how to totally use them.  But in time I would come to learn and understand the operation of this authority that was given to me by Jesus.  As I studied the Lord’s word and read the whole incident before and after Jesus gave only Peter among all the other apostles the keys to His kingdom.  I found the answer!

“When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

“And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets”

“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?”

“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”

“And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven”

“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”


(Matt 16:13-19)


    If you notice the whole point in this passage started with the question of Jesus asking them,“Who do men say I am?”  Then He ended up asking, “Who do you say that I am?”  None of the apostles could answer and give the revelation.  None of them but the one to whom was given the revelation of who Jesus was by the Father.  We know this was Peter!  He didn’t get these keys from Jesus just because He was an apostle.  He received these keys because he was given a revelation of who Jesus was as the Son of God.  The Messiah! The point is Jesus gave him the keys after he had a revelation on who He is as the Son of God!  This great authority and all great authority is released from the Lord in our lives when we come into an intimate knowledge of the Son of God through a relationship with the Lord personally.
Suddenly the Holy Spirit showed me this in scriptures and He began to cause me to reminisce and think back on what had happened in my life before Jesus entrusted me with these keys to His kingdom.  Fellowship had erupted.  Intimacy and a throughly knowledge of who He – the Son of God was.  Suddenly I realized He really did all this in my life just because of the relationship that He and I had developed.  Nothing more, nothing less.  When I got a revelation of who Jesus really was on a personal level through this face to face relationship with Him after 7 to 8 year period He entrusted me with the keys to His whole kingdom that He had given Peter in His day.  Simply put, the revelation of Jesus Christ in your life causes Jesus to start giving you an authority that is unparalleled to this Earth!  Then the power of these keys was revealed and shown immediately!


The Power And Demonstration
Of The Keys Revealed

Regions Transformed

    After these keys were entrusted to me by the Lord we began to see whole regions changed in America.  One region was a place called Shaw, Mississippi.  We saw the bars shut down and the mayor of that town was filled with the Holy Ghost in that move!  Not only that, the whole jail and prison system there was totally put out of commission because there was no need for it.  Multiple masses of people gave their lives to the Lord in salvation.  Oh how badly we need this in our metropolitan cities in America.  Until this very day, the pastor who invited me there has told me that the bars are still closed and they have not been able to build the jail system or police station again.  What power!   This happened 10 to 11 years ago!

Brooklyn, IL Transformed
Another such incident happened after these keys were given to me in Brooklyn, Illinois.  The mayor heard of how the Lord was beginning to transform regions through the ministry He gave me.  She invited me to come and minister to her region in Brooklyn.  We saw great things take place.  Long story short, the Lord told me to use the keys He had given me to loose wholeness and health in that region by speaking financial blessing on the economy and on the mayor.  I turned to her and said, “The Lord told me to loose 3 million dollars into your hand for this region.”  At the same time, the Lord spoke to me and said to me to speak judgment on the Mafia establishments in that area to shut down their illegal operations.  The Lord also said to loose a new bridge to be built from St. Louis over to this area.  The old bridge was worn and torn down.  We received threats from the Mafia that they would kill us and the mayor for letting me over there.  They told her if she didn’t step down they would set her up like she stole money.

These Keys Caused The
President Of The United States
To Fulfill Prophecy

Well, three months after the Lord had me use these keys, President Bill Clinton in 1999 goes to Brooklyn and gives the mayor 3 million dollars exactly like the Lord had me proclaim with the Keys of the Kingdom.  Around the same time, many of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments were completely shut down!  I recently talked with a pastor over in Brooklyn this year in 2008, when invited to minister at his church and he explained to me that he remembered when I had first come to Brooklyn in 1999 and how God has used me to speak judgment to shut down the Mafia establishments.  He then said, “You are standing in it now”!  I didn’t know it but he had turned one of the Mafia buildings, which were shut down, into a church for the Kingdom of God!  Then he said, “Everything God had you speak about Brooklyn 9 years ago has come to pass.  All those who sought your life to kill you were dead or in jail.  Even the man who owned this building is in jail this very moment.  Even though they set the mayor up like she stole plenty of money, the powers of darkness did not prevail”!  It was absolutely the power and authority manifested behind the release of these keys given to me from the Lord!

Whole Mental Hospitals Healed

    After these miraculous regional transformations, the Lord kept doing mighty things.  Not just in our miracle crusades where multiple people were healed of various diseases such as, tumors, deafness, dumbness, blindness and lameness from crippling diseases, we saw even much more in what I’m about to tell you.  Besides all the multiple people untwisting and rising from their wheelchairs through Jesus appearing in the services.  He also made a special visit that was unexpected.  There was this young man whom I knew in St. Louis who had a mental breakdown.  It was so severe that they admitted him into a mental hospital.  Because I was very close to him, I got word he wanted me to come to the hospital and pray for him.  So I went but didn’t know that the most amazing thing was about to take place!  When I arrived there at his room, me and some other of my staff pastors began praying for him and commanded the illness to leave his mind.  The first thing you have to know is that one of the most difficult sickness to be healed is mental illness, it’s not difficult to God but it is hard to us because so few of these people are healed.  Well, as we prayed for him, immediately his mental sickness totally left.  He arose from the bed healed.  There were so many mentally sick people in that huge mental hospital, there were scores there.

Jesus Appears In Hospital
And Performs A
Mass Miracle

    Right after he was healed Jesus then appeared to me standing on the opposite side of the bed.  Suddenly, there He was with His face shining in His beautiful brilliant white robe saying to me, “David use the Keys that I’ve given you to pray healing on this whole mental hospital and I am going to walk through this hospital and heal the people”.  So I did.  I didn’t know that something this dramatic was going to happen as I’m about to tell you.  Suddenly, a few minutes as we walked out of the room with this young man healed to go home, scores of people started coming out of their rooms without us going to them.  They were saying, “We are healed…  Our minds are free.”  It was almost like a stampede of patients coming off of floors that we had never even gone to following us to the front of the counter.  It was uncontrollable and the receptionist or nurse at the desk didn’t know what to do.  We told her, “You need to release these people, they’re healed.”  Sadly to say though, she mentioned how that if all those people were emptied out of the hospital from being healed that she wouldn’t get a paycheck.  How sad in America are the pharmaceutical companies who hold people in bondage with medicines and drugs just so they can live off of other peoples illnesses, subtly taking advantage of them.  This was a notable mass miracle and my whole staff was astonished including the doctors and nurses of that place.  I didn’t lay a hand on a single one!  This was Jesus and His power demonstrated through the Keys of the Kingdom given!

Announced to be a general in a visitation during a dream- 2001

In this dream which only lasted for a few seconds it was told and revealed to me by an appearance from the Lord during my sleep that he had made me a four star general in His kingdom. In this dream He also explained that the 5th star would be granted me when the revival that He promised would hit the world starting in St. Louis. After this I awoke out of the dream.

Responsibility revealed by a face to face appearance from Jesus in a dream as a face to face Friend, Prophet and Intercessor for America… Called to avert a nuclear war and attack from Russia against America – 2004

A Message of Hope and Warning
For America

Given In a Face-to-Face Visitation from the
Lord Jesus Christ in a Dream

    Now I want to share with you the experience of how Jesus came to me in 2004 in a face-to-face appearance and visitation while I was asleep in a dream. Just months earlier, I was interviewed on the Sid Roth show concerning the “Prophecy to America” that the Lord had given me for this country. In that prophecy, I shared how the Lord warned me prophetically through a series of dreams and by revelation of His Spirit, that the World Trade Centers in New York would be bombed by terrorists, plotted and paid off by Russia. In the magazine that we published called “Prophecy to America” I shared how this attack was the beginning of a strategically planned war by Russia through terrorists.
The Lord allowed me, through grace, to prophetically speak of this event before it actually happened to a number of people. I was actually in New York before and during the time that these attacks began. For a lack of time I cannot share this with you but you can read more of this in the magazine entitled, “Prophecy to America.” After an eight month campaign of talking to America through television and other forms of media concerning this subject, Jesus came to me in the spring of 2004 by face-to-face visitation.
Without any warning while I was asleep suddenly in a dream, Jesus came and took me up in the air above America. All I know is that I was suddenly in midair above America standing on the right hand of Jesus. I don’t know if it was an out of body experience, even though it seemed like it. From the height, it seemed like we were standing at the altitude of an airplane in flight. It seemed that it could have been 15 to 20 thousand feet in the air. All I know is that I was immediately with Jesus suspended in air, hovering in one place. We were standing in midair at a very high altitude over the bottom part of the southern states (almost at the edge of the coast, centered with the Gulf of Mexico). Jesus stood in midair very quietly, dressed in a beautiful white robe. His presence, like at times before when He’s visited me in this manner, exuded such a peace and tranquility in contrast to the devastating things that He was about to show me.
I stood there beside Him in midair on His right hand side quietly to watch the events that He was about to show me. From observing His character in other face-to-face appearances to me, I didn’t sense in Jesus’ disposition that everything was alright like at other times He’s visited me. This time, the silence did not seem like a good silence. As we stood there, He said nothing to me. I knew without Him saying a word that He had brought me here to show me something that was coming, if we did not pray and intercede. No words were needed for some reason. I had a knowing that the reason I was there had something to do with His concern for America.
As I stood there silently with Jesus, a huge nuclear rocket missile passed right in front of us with the old communistic Russian acronym, U.S.S.R. on its side. I was given a knowing of the destination of this nuclear missile as it was traveling past us. We were facing north as it went past us going west, towards southern California. I knew that this missile was programmed, launched, designated and sent by Russia to specifically hit southern California. At the same time, another missile, similar to the first, was launched and had been programmed to hit Jacksonville, Florida and it did. I saw people running and screaming before the nuclear bomb ever hit them. After seeing this destruction that was beginning to happen, I fell on my face at the feet of Jesus begging and pleading that He would not allow this to happen. At the same time I also requested that He would give me more time to get the “Prophecy to America” magazine out to the public and to have mercy on our country.
Then I awoke! After seeing this dream I knew that it was urgent that I communicated this message to American leaders and people everywhere. From having this dream I became very concerned about the welfare of our country. I began developing the attitude of becoming blinded by all the bad that was happening or that would happen to our country. Then the Lord visited me two years later in 2006 during my sleep saying these few words before the dream ended, “What about the good things in America?” Jesus’ words after this statement shocked and startled me, but at the same time correcting and adjusting my focus to see all the good that He sees in this country. God has been so good to us in this country and I don’t ever want to see war come to our nation.

These were Jesus’ words to me in a dream in 2006 concerning America, “What about the good things?” I do not believe that God wants us to become discouraged by always looking at the negative things that are going on in this country in an unbalanced way. I believe that the Lord wants us to also look and find the good things that He has done with this country in a godly healthy perspective. The scripture confirms this in Philippians 4:8 that God wants our minds to think on the good report of things and not the negative.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Phillipians 4:8

The Good Report about America

These are just some of the few things that God has used
America to do throughout history.

Multitudes of missionaries have come out of this country and
1. have been sent all around the world.
America has provided for many immigrants, a place of freedom
2. and refuge from famine, disease, hunger, war, starvation and a place of safety from the abuse of dictatorship.
America has provided a place where the nations of the world
3. can see their dreams come alive by being able to pursue them through the liberty that reigns in this land.
God has raised America to prominence, riches and wealth.
4.    The goodness of God shows throughout this whole country in 5.
5.     that we have been so blessed as compared to other third world countries.
We were the first country to allow such a freedom and liberty with
6. justice for all.
Most of all God has provided a land where by we can be free with
7. liberty to serve and worship Him alone.

Calling and Assignment to be a Healing shepherd to America Revealed in a dream- 2004

    In this dream during my sleep it was revealed and told to me that because there was so many sick people in America the Lord has called me to stand on the forefront with the healing ministry. It was said that the lord had called me to be a healing shepard and that the healing ministry on my life was very rich and abundant. After this I awoke.

Was revealed that he had been given what Moses had or a ministry similar to Moses in a face to face appearance from Jesus during sleep- 2007 

    In this dream during my sleep the Lord appeared to me and said these words, “I have now given you what Moses had”. After this I was awakened out of the dream.

Told by an angel in a dream that the new move of God starting in America, which will go around the world will begin in the year “2010” – dream given in 2009

    In this dream that I had in my sleep in 2009 around March or April, an angel was sent to me from Heaven saying, “The new move of God in America will begin in the year 2010”.  After this I woke up out of the dream.

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