As Prophesied by David E. Taylor
The LORD make his face shine upon thee..Numbers 6:25 Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night..The LORD of hosts is his name: Jeremiah 31:35 The Lord appears again with David E. Taylor in St. Louis, Missouri! Amazing! David E. Taylor has continually prophesied how St. Louis is the city where the major outpouring of the Latter Rain shall take place. This is only the beginning.
What is so phenomenal about this appearance is how the Lord’s face was seen openly before thousands on highway 270/55, from multiple angles, and many people caught this visitation from the Lord on camera! This visitation happened during the eclipse that took place in August 2017. Prior to this event, no solar eclipse had been visible across the entire contiguous United States since June 8, 1918.
The Lord appeared during this monumental and rare moment. “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath..before that great and notable day of the Lord
come: ” -Acts 2:19,20
A Move of God Hit Missouri!
The Original Photos Taken During the 2017 St. Louis Eclipse