God and I want to fill the 18-wheeler “CONVOY OF MIRACLES” trucks with MORE THAN ENOUGH! The tears won’t stop flowing! I’m broken over what happened today! EVEN WITH AMERICA BEING A RICH NATION, THE NEED IS SO GREAT! ACT NOW!! Join me and together let’s do something more, so these families are not left without! I don’t want to see this happen again this week during our next turkey drive! We MUST help hurting families in impoverished neighborhoods of America! God has blessed me with tractor trailers through the wonderful support of my faithful partners in ministry who have given, but the need is great and we are behind! We do not have enough! The trucks must be filled to the brim and have more than enough so nobody is hurting and left without! As you can see, the DEA, FBI, POLICE, CIA, & UNDERCOVER UNIT WERE HELPING GIVE TURKEYS AWAY!