
Letter 4: Take God at His Word!

Daughters of Destiny,

You can take God at His Word! He is not a man that He should lie.. He doesn’t manipulate your mind or your heart.. He is true and madly in love with you!!

‘God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?’ (Numbers 23:19).

Have you found yourself picking up the culture of the world and blending in with the popular sayings? Many say, “It is what it is,” but women of purpose, you should be standing out and confidently say, “IT IS WHAT GOD SAYS IT IS!” God’s promises are yes and amen!

The longer you keep agreeing with what you can physically see or by what you feel, you will be trapped by doubt, unbelief, and lack.. God is looking for your FAITH that takes Him at His Word, knowing that without a doubt, His promises for you shall come to pass in His perfect time!

Rushing to get something before time is immature and most often won’t last.. God knows what is best for you and He loves you more than you might be able to understand right now, but you must believe that it is His greatest pleasure to give you the Kingdom!! I pray you come to the place where your genuine love, faith, and expectation are set on God and in His faithfulness and love for you..!”

~David E. Taylor~


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