
Letter 12: God Said So

“Women of Purpose,

I want to teach you to identify Satan when he comes so you can have victory in your life and walk with God! The tactic he used to deceive Eve in the garden is the same tactic he uses today.

“HATH GOD SAID, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden,” (Genesis 3:1).

Satan causes you to doubt and to pose the following thoughts: Did God really say? Look at your circumstances and how long you’ve waited. See how much you’ve endured. You have made so many mistakes. Is God really going to keep His promises? Are you SURE this is God’s plan? Can you trust what God told you?

Satan didn’t need to lie to Eve to deceive her, he just needed to plant a single seed of doubt. Daughters, because you are built to be a receiver, you must be careful and alerted to the kind of seeds (words) that are being planted. Not every seed is good or even a “God” seed.. Some seeds are weeds!!

Satan always puts a question mark where God already put a period. In fact, a question mark “❓” is a period with a fish “hook” on top!

“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong,” (1 Corinthians 16:13).

Don’t take the bait! Be strong and courageous! Stand fast in the foundation of Christ! No matter what obstacle you are facing, what uncertainty is before you, or what threats, trials, or accusations the enemy brings against you, you are not alone! The Lord is always faithful to you. The key is being faithful (full of faith) to believe Him and choosing to trust Him, no matter what. Simply choosing Him and becoming His friend will always give you victory in the end..!”

~David E. Taylor~

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