
Letter 11: Love that Passes Knowledge

“Women of Purpose,

I challenge you today to get comfortable NOT knowing everything! Love and faith will always advance you further than the “knowledge” many of you so desperately seek.. Women have a tendency to stop where their knowledge does, without realizing that knowledge has limitations and an end, but Love NEVER ends because it never fails and it never runs out.. It endures ALL things!

‘And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God,’ (Ephesians 3:19).

Daughters, don’t stop BELIEVING.. There is MORE to you than you “know,” so stay rooted in God’s love and just watch how beautifully you grow and not only surpass what you know about yourself, but what others have limited you to.. With God, ALL things are possible and His promises toward you, are always true..!” 

~David E. Taylor~

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