A millipede is an insect with hundreds of legs attached to their bodies. They are natural burrowers that feed on decaying wood or plants and act as the “clean-up crew” of the environment and that could represent God removing darkness or unneeded things from you. Seeing a millipede could represent a hidden danger or unwanted surprise.
Positive: To see a millipede in a dream could mean that you are in a season with God removing waste and dead weight from you. Seeing a millipede could be a sign from God that He is showing you how to walk. Millipedes walk slowly and endure much longer than most insects.
Negative: Dreaming of a millipede could represent that there is an unwanted surprise or enemy that is hidden among you. A millipede in a dream could reveal that what was set to remove dead weight from you could actually be turned to attack your fruit due to being under a form of a curse.
(Ezekiel 36:26; Matthew 24:13; 2 Corinthians; Malachi 3:9-11).