
The Mexican peso is the current currency of Mexico. Mexican pesos contain a variety of images of important Mexican historical figures. The Mexican peso is the tenth most traded currency in America and is less valuable than the US dollar.


Positive: Dreaming of a Mexican peso could represent humility, faithfulness, or being faithful with that which is least. Dreaming of receiving a large amount of pesos could indicate a financial blessing.


Negative: Dreaming of receiving a Mexican peso could represent deceit, fraud, a façade, or being cheap or undercut. If you dream of another person being given a large amount of US dollars, and you are given a large amount of pesos, this could represent lack of worth or being undercut. If you dream of performing a job and getting paid in pesos, this could represent a poor work ethic or doing cheap work before the Lord.


(Luke 16:10; Luke 12:42-26; 1 Corinthians 3:11-13; Colossians 3:23-24; Leviticus 19:13).

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