
Homosexuality is a sexual attraction between members of the same sex. In the Old Testament, this sin was punishable by death and one of the sins that caused Sodom to be destroyed by God with brimstone and fire.


Positive: To see a man or a woman engaging in homosexual acts may be a call to minister, pray, or intercede for them. If you see a homosexual spirit depart from you or come out of you, it could symbolize deliverance, freedom, or renewal. To see a spirit of homosexuality in a dream but you being free from it may indicate your firmess in the Lord.


Negative: Dreaming of homosexual acts could represent one being against nature and in rebellion. It may represent disobedience, secret sins, and witchcraft. Homosexual acts in a dream could signify an abuse of authority or fornication. If you have a homosexual spirit in a dream, it could represent bondage or the enemy trying to bring you under his power.


(Romans 1:26,28-30; Ezekiel 16:45,49-50; Romans 13:1; Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9).

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