
A cloak is a piece of attire also known as an outer garment, mantle, or even robe. The cloak is used like a coat, but typically does not have sleeves. In biblical times, cloaks were used as protection from the weather when traveling. In Jewish tradition, cloaks were worn by high kings, priests, and women. Wearing a cloak could represent the anointing or zeal of the Lord.


Positive: Dreaming of touching a cloak could represent healing such as when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was healed. This could represent Jesus lifting burdens off of you. Dreaming of a cloak could also represent a mantle you are receiving or a spiritual covering you are under.


Negative:  Dreaming of a cloak wrapped around your head could represent being depressed or emotionally distraught. There could be something causing a deep wound or hurt that is affecting your life. In biblical times, they would wrap themselves with garments/cloaks during their time of mourning or lamenting for a lost loved one. Dreaming of a torn or dirty cloak may represent that you are under the wrong covering.


(Acts 12:8; Genesis 39:12; 1 Kings 19:13; Luke 8:44; 2 Kings 2:8; Isaiah 59:17; Matthew 11:28-30).


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