
A fish tank is a tank filled with water and used for keeping live fish and other animals, usually as pets and/or décor.


Positive: Fish represent people or souls, so dreaming of a fish tank full of fish could represent a place that is ripe for harvesting souls. It could symbolize that God is giving you an opportunity to spread the Gospel.


Negative: Dreaming of a fish tank could indicate that people are being spiritually trapped and unable to grow. It could indicate Christians who are stuck in religion and the church and need to enter the Kingdom. Dreaming of a fish that is too big for its tank could indicate that one is not under the proper spiritual leader and is being held back from growing in their destiny. If a fish tank in a dream is empty, it could indicate an area of one’s life that is lacking success or a harvest.


(Matthew 9:37-38; Revelation 14:15-16; Matthew 13:30; Exodus 20:3-6; Psalm 34:10; James 1:4).


Categories: Miscellaneous
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