
DAY 12:

40 Days of Prophecy with David E. Taylor – Prepare to receive these things:

•God’s Secrets
•God’s Prosperity
•God’s Wisdom
•Prophetic Prayer
•God’s Principles
•God’s Counsel
•God’s Battle Axe
•Edification, Comfort, Exhortation

I hear the Lord saying to you today, “Sometimes when I tell or show you a thing, and call you to carry a weight of my glory, you need to stand alone and when I say stand alone, I mean stand alone with ME! The enemy does not want to see my will for your life and destiny fulfilled, and he certainly doesn’t want my will fulfilled in the earth for the entire world. Therefore, you must remember that when I tell you something that will revolutionize more than you and your four, your church, your family, or your job, he will bring division, strife, and distraction to your life, surrounding your divine responsibility from me.  Few STAND against the backlash, persecution, accusations, and opposition. It is a fight that you must be willing to stay in and contend for! Are you willing to STAND with me, even if you “appear” to be standing alone before man. My vision is massive, and to be able to STAND with ME, you must be able to SEE what I SAY and then DO IT, no matter what everyone and anyone else says! You must deal with the areas that you are weak in, have a wrong attitude or double mind in, and the fear of man’s approval based on their understanding, to stay in the faith you need to fight, fully receive, and WIN!”

I pray that you will receive this word today and realize that no matter how big or small you believe the call and assignment God has given you are, your faith and fight can’t be impacted by your weaknesses or pressures from people that do not agree with what God has said. Finish God’s divine process and ready yourself to receive all that He has for you to fulfill..!! Call 1-877-843-4567 for prayer to stand, endure, and fulfill all!!
~David E. Taylor~

“This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:” (1 Timothy 1:18-19).


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