
DAY 252:

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty,” (Revelation 1:8).

The Lord says, “I AM OMEGA! Today, I AM maneuvering and positioning you to win in your overall outcome.. You shall have VICTORY and the EXPECTED END! Despite the traps the enemy has planned against you, a most bright future exists for you.. I already saw the enemy’s plans against you.. just as I saw his plans against Adam before I ever created the world or him.. When I planned and allowed my Son to die on the Cross and be slain before the foundation of the World, I out-maneuvered the enemy of mankind, before He was ever created..! I had a plan to overcome Adam’s faults, weakness, and his enemies, and I have a flawless strategy planned to overcome yours.. This is my unfailing love toward you as your Father. I AM Jehovah, your OMEGA GOD..”

~David E. Taylor~

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