
DAY 173:

“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established,” (Proverbs 16:3).

Many people struggle with commitment which keeps them from ever being established in relationships, character, business, ministry, and in integrity.

“Commit” is defined as: Carry out, do, perform, perpetrate, engage in, enact, execute, effect, accomplish; be responsible for.. Entrust, trust, commend, deliver, give over, hand over, turn over, relinquish… Pledge, devote, dedicate.

Strong’s defines “commit” as: to roll.

Are you still too dependent upon your works and your performance, that you have not committed them to the Lord? Until you get to the place of committing everything over to God, He can’t establish the way you think. There has to be a complete surrender and a commitment to give Him everything. The work we do, the good deeds, achievements, labor, and even talents we have.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass,” (Psalm 37:5).

When we commit what we are and who we are to the Lord, He establishes our thoughts and brings things to pass! Keep your heart fixed on Jesus and your mind set on Him!! When you do, you shall find flawless victory, peace, and joy..!”

~David E. Taylor~

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