
DAY 158:

“We repent enough to be forgiven, but do we surrender enough to be changed?

A vast majority of people think repenting is just expressed words of personal conviction resulting in God’s forgiveness, but they do not understand the need to go through and complete a season of surrender, that brings about an inward change. Repenting is turning from the wrong thing and doing and becoming the right thing.

“Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance,” (Matthew 3:8).

Jesus taught that repentance is a foundation that needs to be established within our hearts. A natural tree takes one year to produce fruit, and it is the same for us to produce the fruit of repentance. If you don’t learn to live a life of repentance, you will experience unnecessary delays and hindrances. When you learn the foundation of true repentance and apply it to your daily life, you will have a victorious destiny..!!”

~David E. Taylor~

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