
DAY 118:

“Seek not the paths of the ancients, seek that which the ancients sought..!

“For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers,” (Job 8:8).

Sadly, many generations lacked understanding and the need to enquire of the former age and what they searched of their fathers for.. Therefore, they’ve misconstrued, misjudged, and ultimately misunderstood much of God’s heart, mind, and what He said and meant.

It is imperative to not be deceived by the understanding and immaturity of the more recent generations of people that will not pay the price to search the former age and their fathers.. The wisdom they acquired was because they enquired far enough back to have more understanding and not to be bamboozled by the “new age,” riddled with self-righteousness and self-sufficiency.. The former age sought what their fathers searched and they found the beauty of complete surrender to the Father, knowing that no matter what, only in Him and His paths would they find His depths and receive total recovery and triumph..!!”

~David E. Taylor~

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