
DAY 10:

“I want to remind you of God’s constant faithfulness! 

Oftentimes, when people are going through a painful time or uncertain situations, even Christians, they tend to magnify the problem, whatever it happens to be. What is even worse, some people start comparing their problems and circumstances with someone else’s, to the point of competition. That is the way of the world, fearful and unbelieving. 

It is time for the Body of Christ to mature in God’s love, compassion, and understanding. That won’t be demonstrated, if every time someone expresses their unfortunate circumstances we rebuttal with ours, only to ignore theirs. The truth is, our pain is often similar, even though the circumstances might differ drastically.

Rather than comparing our problems, we should be magnifying our faithful Father who hears us!! He sent His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit to comfort and deliver us, and that is our promising assurance that is only found in God!!  

“The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles,” (Psalm 34:17).

Every day we face situations that give us the opportunity to lead people in faith and hope to the light and love of God that delivers, sets free, and saves them from ALL their troubles! I challenge you today to put the focus of your whole heart on Jesus! Lift your praises, enter His presences, worship Him, and not only experience Miracles of Deliverance, become one to others! The promise of your deliverance is NOW..!! Call 1-877-843-4567 today for the prayer of agreement!” ~David E. Taylor~

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